Product News
Alex Fraser

Fresh product news – January 2023

In this post we’ll be deep diving into new features that can help your business performance. Learn how you can boost your cash flow with automated payments, discover the power of product categories in delivering a top-notch customer experience, and more…

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Industry Insights
Matilda Lloyd

4 Features to Kickstart 2023

Start 2023 off with a bang! Maximize the potential of your online ordering software with 4 must-have features. From real-time pricing to automated payments, delivery management, and reporting, these solutions will streamline your operations, improve customer experience, and boost your bottom line. Read more.

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Industry Insights
Evie Jones

Improving Staff Turnover

Staff turnover has always been an issue with wholesale food businesses. Learning how to improve the employee experience to reduce staff turnover will help your business grow. Find out more.

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